How we work

Phase 01.

Phase I studies are primarily concerned with assessing the drug's safety in healthy volunteers. This initial phase of testing in humans is done in a small number of healthy volunteers (20 to 100), who are usually paid for participating in the study. ...
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Phase 02.

Phase II study is conducted once a drug is proven to be safe. It must then be tested for efficacy. This second phase of testing may last from several months to two years, and involve up to several hundred patients. Most phase II studies are randomize...
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Phase 03.

Phase III study is conducted and tested in several hundred to several thousand patients. This large scale testing provides the pharmaceutical company and the FDA with a more thorough understanding of the drug's effectiveness, benefits, and the range ...
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Phase 04.

Phase IV studies are performed after obtaining a license to market the drug. Contrary to Phases II and III, problems associated with long term use of the drug or rare adverse events can be detected. In late phase III/phase IV studies, pharmaceutical ...
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